Watch Ashwin Gopwani, Managing Director, Client Solutions, SLC Management discuss his experience in building liability-driven investment (LDI) strategies and share his knowledge on building a multi-asset hedging portfolio at the P&I CRISK conference. Ashwin highlights tools he believes are effective to create portfolios that target enhanced returns while still seeking to reduce funded status volatility.
Brent Simmons, Head, DB Solutions at Sun Life, lifts the curtain on the Canadian group annuity market. Hear why group annuities are currently in the spotlight and gain insights on planning for your DB pension plan’s future.
Nikki Pirrello, Chief Operating Officer at P&I sits down with Heather Wolfe, Senior Managing Director, Head of Canadian Business Development at SLC Management, to discuss how liability-driven investing is evolving and what’s next for sustainable investing. Plus, learn more about pension risk transfer solutions and key market trends from Mathieu Tessier, Senior Managing Director, Client Relationships and Innovation, DB Solutions, Sun Life.
Whether through investment solutions, pension risk transfer, or a combination of the two, finding the right solution allows plan sponsors to devote more time and attention to their core business. Heather Wolfe, Senior Managing Director, Head of Canadian Business Development at SLC Management and Marie Desrochers, FSA, FCIA, Managing Director, Client Relationships of DB Solutions at Sun Life, joined industry leaders at P&I’s CRISK conference. Watch the replay below of their insights on managing pension risk in today’s market.
Leading up to the conference, industry leaders, including Eugene Lundrigan, President of Sun Life Capital Management (Canada) Inc. and Brent Simmons, Head of DB Solutions at Sun Life, sat down with P&I to discuss some of the key pension risk management themes this year. The supplement covers the resilience of pension de-risking, investment strategies that align with the times and staying the course on pension risk transfer.