2023 Sustainable Investing Report
Our 2023 Sustainable Investing Report reflects upon the processes we employ to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance considerations, within our public and private fixed income portfolios, where appropriate, to help our clients meet their investment goals.
Download the report to learn more
2023 Climate Report
The 2023 Climate Report, in line with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), provides SLC Fixed Income’s approach to climate risk, that is, where it sits, how it is identified, and how it is assessed and managed within our investment process, and the capabilities available for clients interested in climate considerations.
Download the report to learn more
Sustainable Investing Policy
Our Sustainable Investing Policy outlines SLC Fixed Income’s approach to sustainable investing, and describes how we implement sustainable investing to support our clients’ objectives, where appropriate.
Download our policy to learn more
Our specialty managers
SLC Fixed Income’s global reach and capabilities have grown with the partnerships we have built through SLC Management’s specialty managers, BGO, InfraRed Capital Partners, Crescent Capital Group, and Advisors Asset Management.
We all share a strong and common commitment to sustainable investing, on behalf of our clients, where appropriate.
You can learn more about their approach to sustainable investing below.