Sustainability for seeking long-term investment performance and a better future

Considering material ESG risks and opportunities can preserve and enhance the long-term market value and income generation capacity of investment assets. This can contribute to better investment performance over time and help our clients achieve their investing goals.

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SLC Fixed Income

ESG Integration: Your purpose is our purpose especially when it comes to sustainable investing. We embed financially material ESG considerations within our investment research, analysis, and decision-making, where appropriate. We work with clients who seek to achieve specific sustainability outcomes. We engage with key stakeholders to inform our understanding of relevant ESG risks, and influence positive change to benefit clients.

Download SLC Fixed Income’s Sustainable Investing Report



2023 Sustainable Investing Report

Our 2023 Sustainable Investing Report reflects upon the processes we employ to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance considerations, within our public and private fixed income portfolios, where appropriate, to help our clients meet their investment goals.

Download the report to learn more


2023 Climate Report

The 2023 Climate Report, in line with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), provides SLC Fixed Income’s approach to climate risk, that is, where it sits, how it is identified, and how it is assessed and managed within our investment process, and the capabilities available for clients interested in climate considerations.

Download the report to learn more


Sustainable Investing Policy

Our Sustainable Investing Policy outlines SLC Fixed Income’s approach to sustainable investing, and describes how we implement sustainable investing to support our clients’ objectives, where appropriate.
Download our policy to learn more



SLC Fixed Income participates in industry activities to continue to increase our insights and expertise in this area, help support our role as fiduciary to our clients, and help our clients achieve their investment goals.

Click here for more information about the initiatives in which we participate


Our specialty managers

SLC Fixed Income’s global reach and capabilities have grown with the partnerships we have built through SLC Management’s specialty managers, BGO, InfraRed Capital Partners, Crescent Capital Group, and Advisors Asset Management.

We all share a strong and common commitment to sustainable investing, on behalf of our clients, where appropriate.

You can learn more about their approach to sustainable investing below.

Sustainability insights and perspectives

Finding a path to diversity in the asset management industry

Candy Shaw, Senior Managing Director, Deputy Chief Investment Officer at SLC Management, discusses diversity, equity and inclusion challenges in the asset management industry and what can be done to make meaningful progress. 

ESG investing for insurance portfolios

Successfully integrating ESG factors throughout a portfolio is even more critical as insurers and investors seek to sustainably achieve their risk-adjusted return and income objectives in today’s persistent low-rate environment. 

Investing sustainably in a post-Covid-19 world

Learn how Randy Brown, Head of Insurance Asset Management at SLC Management and Chief Investment Officer at Sun Life, is thinking about the crises of today when incorporating ESG factors into investment portfolios. 

Quick hits: Sustainability topics in our Three in Five podcasts

Steve Peacher, president of SLC Management, delivers insights from our investment specialists in five minutes or less. Subscribe to our Three in Five podcast series (Apple, Spotify and Google Podcasts) and check out the latest ESG/sustainability content.


Randy Brown on ESG investing

Approaching sustainable investing while balancing portfolio goals.

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Kate McKeon on sustainable investing and Net Zero

Kate McKeon, Head of Sustainability at InfraRed Capital Partners, discusses the firm's commitment to the Net Zero Owner Alliance and what it means in practice.

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Olesya on trends in ESG integration

Focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion during the hiring process.

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Lauren Chesney on workforce diversity

Improving workplace diversity in the asset management industry.

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Jack Paris on investing in the energy transition

Jack Paris, Head of Americas at InfraRed Capital Partners, discusses the growing trend towards investing in renewable infrastructure.

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Steve Preacher
Three in five podcast